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Saturday, 19 December 2009

Sexto Dia da Dieta da Sopa

Well i am still alive....i am visiting my beloved sister and her family LOVE FOOD like no other...i am really trying to get with the  program...yesterday evening i drank all the soup i could ever WISH for but with a good purpose....i am drinking all the water in the world and hoping for a good result...today i took the TEA and am drinking lots of WATER but no soup cause it finished so i ate NORMALLY in small quantities...i have just finished cooking the new SOUP POT for the whole week...so we will see...i am a bit SAD cause i have weighted myself and it was not what i wished for but it was my fault i didnt follow the PROGRAM as i SHOULD...BUT i wont give UP....i am weighting less 3 kilos...i was supposed to loose 5 KILOS but anyways NOT BAD at all....NEXT WEEK i will try to do it better and NO CHEATING.....anyways.....next week i need to loose at least 7 KGs to compensate what i have not lost this WEEK....vou passando p blogar SOON.....

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